Page 3 - 救恩學校--留辮子的傳教士
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      配 合 時 代 的 變 遷 和 需 要 ,「 救 恩 學 校 」在 課 程 、 教 學 和 校 舍 等 方 面 , 均 有 過 不 少

      1846 年瑞士巴色差會差派傳教士,韓山明牧師及黎力基牧師,於1847 年到
達香港,成為基督教香港崇真會 ( 崇真會 ) 的創始人。1852年,他們成立「救恩學校」
辦學團體,崇真會救恩堂。「救恩學校」是崇真會救恩堂於1946 年所創立的。

      今 年 是「 救 恩 學 校 」七 十 周 年 校 慶 , 我 們 把 六 十 周 年 校 慶 時 出 版 的《留 辮 子 的 傳
教 士 》出 版 更 新 版 。 圖 書 依 舊 根 據 崇 真 會 救 恩 堂 的 辦 學 歷 史 為 藍 本 , 源 用 原 本 的 故 事

們同在。阿們。( 約翰二書 3 節 )



With the changes and needs of the times, Kau Yan School has had many innovation in
terms of curriculum, teaching methods and school premises environment, striving further
excellence in education. But there has been constant is the God’s love and teachings
of the Bible as the centre and spread the love of Christ as our responsibility. Because,
no matter how the world changes, God’s love for us has never changed.

In 1846, Basel Mission from Swiss sent two missionaries, Rev. Theodore Hamberg and Rev.
Rudolph Lechler to Hong Kong. They arrived at Hong Kong in 1847 and founded the
Tsuang Tsin Mission ofHong Kong. In 1852, they established our founding organization
Kau Yan Church, which established Kau Yan School in 1946.

This year is the 70th anniversar y of Kau Yan School and we have republished an
updated version on the story book “Missionaries Who Wore Braids” published during the
60th anniversary. The story and historical pictures modelled the original source, and we
write stories for children to read, update and introduce campus environment. Among
children joined creative beautiful and lively illustrations, it is believed we can enhance
the interest and intimacy when they read. Hopefully, children can understand the history
of Kau Yan School, learning from the two missionaries loyal paternity Lord, not afraid
of difficult character, cherish and cultivate a grateful attitude and response to their
previous efforts.

Sincerely hope that this book is not only a blessing to the children, but also let more
people know about the love of God and spread the Salvation of Jesus. ‘May grace,
mercy, and peace be with us from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the
Son of the Father, in truth and love. Amen.’ (2 John 1:3)

Elder SIU Sau-ching
Kau Yan School
Feb 2016
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